Purchase Transaction FAQ










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Buying Intelligence Lists or Product by Quantity:

Q: OK, I'm ready to make a purchase, what is the sequence I should expect to follow?

If this is your first-time purchase, please set your email filtering to accept any emails from blockdesk.com. This is critically important to prevent your Intelligence List from ending up in your Junk folder, or worse yet, being bounced unilaterally as spam by your service provider. One really good approach to help with this is to send us an email to infoblockdesk.com just saying someting like "Buying a List" so that your service provider knows you are likely to expect something from us. We do not send promotional emails or regular circulations to our users, we are too busy providing our users with new Lists. Any emails you get from us are either because you bought a List, or you have asked us a question and are expecting an answer. If you know other users with more experience using our service, you can verify this fact with them.

Next, you would click on the "Get Started" link, and arrive at the product selections found there. If you are new, you must click the link that says, "I'm new, please let me read the full description of this product." If you are a repeat customer, just click on the link that says "I already have an Intelligence List account, I want to buy another list."

Next, we want you to have a clear understanding of what you are getting for your expenditure, so take the time to read everything set forward in the details. At the bottom of the page is a link to formally begin the transaction, which will take 3 steps to complete. For Product by Quantity, the process is also very similar:

  • Item Selection: This step re-directs a separate pop-up window from your browser to Paypal with information about what you wanted to buy.

  • PayPal OR Credit Card payment: You can elect to use a Credit Card (see green oval below), or pay via your PayPal account. Please note the email address involved with this step will be required in the next step as well. If you are working from a desktop computer, the transaction window should appear as a pop-up window, so please allow the pop-up in your browser's settings. If you are on a mobile device, the process should take you to PayPal, and then re-direct you back to our website correctly after your payment is completed.

  • Purchase Confirmation, and agreement to the Terms of Service: After PayPal accepts your payment, your browser should re-direct to the third step, where you will install your username and password, or if you already have an account of that type, you would apply the credits you just paid for to that account. Please remember that your email connected with PayPal will be used throughout our transaction process. Each purchase requires that you have the chance to review and save locally an updated copy of, and agree to, the Terms of Service. This essential step allows users to cancel their purchase if they have changed their mind, but most importantly, when they agree to the Terms of Service, it will trigger the delivery of the Intelligence List via email.

    Some might begin using our service initially with a Product by Quantity Account, and decide later that they also wish to buy their first Intelligence List. This is a natural progression for many users, but each type of product will have its own separate account with a different username. In this circumstance, a prior Product by Quantity account will not equate to an Intelligence List renewal. They are separate accounts.

    Once you fill out and submit the remaining details, if you purchased an Intelligence List, it will be sent to you via email directly by one of our staff. The Intelligence List cannot be downloaded from our server. Because our product isn't designed for day-trading, we tend to wait for the close of the market to deliver a fresh list if your purchase is made after roughly 3pmET. You will have immediate access to all of the tools we include with your selection. If you are a first-time Intelligence List buyer, making the purchase after the market closes on Friday will give you the maximum time to mull over the prospects before making a decision on which ones suit your needs best.

    The Renewal process is very similar, but will display your existing username, and asks you to again renew your agreeement to the Terms of Service.

    Renewals also have the option to specifiy an ALTERNATE delivery email address:

    If you purchase Product by Quantity, the steps are very similar to the ones explained above, except there is no Intelligence List involved.

    Once you have installed your username and password, go to the root URL of our domain to login to your account. Look for the blue window on the lower left:

    If you are ready now, please Click Here to Get Started.

    Revised Oct 23, 2018


    Objective, Unbiased, Productive