Last Updated: Fri Jan 26 10:16 2018
Peter is maintaining an ongoing performance
summary of TERMD at Seeking Alpha.
And a more recent installment is here: Jan. 2018 performance
update at Seeking Alpha.
Example results of a portfolio simulation from the first half of 2016 are
summarized in extensive detail here.
At the end of the first quarter 2016, closeouts of positions recommended by
our daily top20 lists were over 51% (more than 650 of them), either by attaining top-of-forecast sell target prices or calendar holding time limits following our TERMD (Time Efficient Risk Management Discipline) guidelines.
Seven of every eight were profitable and, including all of those eighth ones, net gains of 7.3% were recorded in average holding periods of 6 1/2 weeks. That's an annual rate of return on capital employed of +78% during Q1 of 2016.
Below is a "before and after" of an Intelligence List we published on December 16, 2014. By March 18, 2015 all positions were closed.
The first table is the List as published, the second one is modified to show comparisons of the forecasts with the actual outcomes.